Cuddle Slaves, Licorice Whips, and Cuddle Bondage

Cuddle Slaves began with the arrival of two terribly flirtatious people on alt.cuddle. Judy (Sugar and Spice, and all things nice) Palmer, and Robert (Pooky, the Mischeivous Bear) Beyer. These two were terrible, and wreaked havoc in the newsgroup, snuggling, flirting, and being downright naughty.

Pooky was soon in Judy's servitude, and he had to follow her every whim. He bacame Judy's Cuddle Slave, and Judy became the Cuddle Mistress. Now, Judy of course had to keep her Cuddle Slave in line all the time, so that he wouldn't go out and cause mischief ... to do this, she needed some form of control. She learned that Pooky has but only one weakness. He doesn't like black licorice. Judy used this knowledge to gain the upper hand, and fashioned a whip out of black licorice, with which to threaten poor little Pooky with. Mind you ... all the time that this is happening, Pooky is (of course) a willing participant.

Judy, being pure, innocent and sweet as the drivel snow, dons her leather, and spandex outfits, and must continually keep her Cuddle Slave out of causing too much trouble. Throughout all this though, Pooky has been also keeping lovely Judy out of trouble ... for there can only be one Cuddle Slave, per Cuddle Mistress.

These two have gotten into much trouble over the past while, and continually manage to find new and interesting aspects of Cuddle Bondage. One time, Pooky was feeling particularly mischeivous, he took one of his spare Pooky Suits, and dressed up Stu in it, so that he could escape, and be naughty, while Judy thought that Stu was Pooky. This begat "Pooky Suits!".

There have also been many other aspects, and Cuddle Bondage is an evolving relationship. There will undoubtably be many more facets to Cuddle Bondage in the years to come.


For some examples of Cuddle Bondage, take a look at these stories, which are in the "Conversations with people on alt.cuddle" page:

Please see the copyright notice.

Last modified: November 05, 1998 by Locksley