
Run, Akira, Run! - Part 4: The Gap Between Darkness and Despair


	Akira ran.
	He had to -- he was being chased!!
	Hot on his heels were vampires riding polar bears, flying ice 
demons, hellhounds - all screaming "GIVE IT UP, BOY! You can't win! You 
were too late to save the Princess -- now you can't even save yourself!! 
	< NEVER !!! >
	And as Akira ran, he saw a light; across Thor's Gap, there stood a 
vision of such radiance, of such supreme calm and beauty, that it could 
only be...
	"The Pouch, Akira!" she yelled across the wastes. "Give me the 
pouch!" With her words the pouch seemed to glow around his neck. 
Redoubling his efforts, Akira sprinted towards the Princess. But the 
monster behind him were ever gaining. 
	Still he ran. 
	The snow underneath his paws turned from snow and ice to nettles 
and ground glass, cutting and scarring him. 
	Still Akira ran. 
	And then he was at the edge of the Gap! The wind howled like an 
unholy banshee as Akira looked into the never ending blackness. 	"Jump, 
Akira! Jump!!" Princess KaCee yelled. 
	<ARE YOU CRAZY?! _NO_ Husky has ever jumped Thor's Gap and lived! 
	"Jump!! TRUST ME!!" 
	Akira turned, and ducked just in time to avoid having his head 
taken off as the werebear's claws raked Akira's back! Red hot pain 
coursed through him as he saw an object fall into the Gap... 
	<The pouch!!> 
	As the pouch disappeared into the darkness, so did the luminescence 
surrounding Princess KaCee, and she turned to stone... 
	<Looks like you couldn't save your Princess, whelp> a wendigo 
sneered, <but then, the Elders never should have sent a boy to do a 
MAN's job!> A vampire arose from the slavering hordes. 
	<Time for the endgame, boys!> 
	A yeti slammed his giant fist into the ice. A fissure shot out 
directly towards Akira. The ground beneath him crumbled into dust as he 
fell headlong into Thor's Gap. And as he disappeared into the blackness, 
it felt as if he were being swallowed by some unholy maw...

	"Steady, boy, steady... You're among friends now..."
	A cool hand passed over Akira's head, stroking it and calming him 
down. Hel breathed a sigh of relief. "I think he's going to be okay." 
	"You have the Devil's own luck, Rayne" Adrian sneered. "If that pup 
had died you'd be in deep shit right now." 
	"I didn't hit him _that_ hard," Rayne scowled. 
	"Oh, come on Rayne!" Hel said. "You slammed him into a tree!  
You're lucky his back isn't broken! If I hadn't gotten there when I did-
	"I would've seen the collar and stopped. End of story!" 
	"Will you three stop?" yelled Lilith, making herself heard over the 
din. "I can't hear the TV and you're scaring Akira!" 
	Hel felt a low rumble on her lap. She looked down to see Akira 
growling at her. "Calm down, boy. There are things in my bloodstream 
that you really _don't_ want in yours. Here," she said, taking some 
candy corn out of his pouch. "Suck on these and don't chew. Sidhe's 
magic is a wonderful tonic, but right now you're about as fragile as 
spun glass. Better for the magic in the candy to work through your 
system gradually, as opposed to one big euphoric rush." 
	Scratching behind Akira's ears (<Oooh, that feels good,> he 
thought), Hel continued. "That's Lilith over there by the TV, and that's 
Adrian - it's his place you're in right now - and doing a good imitation 
of the unjustly wounded party over in the corner is Rayne. I'm Hel, the 
cuddle vampire." 
	"Cuddle Vampire!?" Akira said, wincing as he did. 
	"I said don't try to talk!" Hel admonished. "And yes, I said cuddle 
vampire. You might call us all refugees from the invasion.  But we can 
talk about that later, and you need to heal. For now, let's just watch 
Return of the Jedi, shall we?" *****
	Luke Skywalker, last of the Jedi Knights, lit the funeral pyre with 
the torch. The branches quickly ignited, immolating the body of the 
former dreaded Lord of the Sith, his spirit redeemed by his son's love, 
and bound for whatever part of the firmament the Jedi claimed as theirs.
	Hel scratched Akira's ears some more. "I know, pup, it gets me, 
	Akira was feeling much better. True to Hel's words, the candy 
helped his body heal in rapid order. As the credits came up and the 
audio system changed from VCR to Bauhaus, Adrian turned to their guest. 
"So Akira, you must have some interesting stories to tell if you count 
Romana as an acquaintance. What's the story, pup?"
	Biting back the urge to correct him on his age, Akira instead said 
"Before I answer you, I want to know one thing: why am I still alive?" 
	Lilith smiled. "Are you familiar with the Vampiric Rules for a long 
and happy unlife?" Akira shook his head. 
	Adrian smiled. "There's only three. Don't eat at Italian 
	Hel added, "Don't go out on a sunny day without your sunblock." 
	And all of them cried, "And never, _ever_ screw around with the 
Kindred!!" After they finished laughing and regained their composure 
somewhat, Rayne spoke.
	"You're still alive for several reasons. One" he said, ticking off 
his fingers, "you're wearing a Kindred collar, and I have no wish to 
bring the wrath of the People on my head. Two, you still have a mission 
to complete." 
	"What would you know of my mission?" Akira said with a suspicious 
	Lilith chimed in, "Only what you were saying in your delirium. That 
must have been some nightmare - you were running in your sleep, you know 
	"Three, " Rayne continued, "for a mortal dog, you've got guts. I 
like that. It's a shame," he said, fingering the collar, "that you're 
wearing that little trinket. You'd have made an excellent hellhound."
	Hel got up from the sofa and helped Akira down. He was able to 
stand and trot a little, but it would be a while before he could move at 
a full run. "Now then," Hel said, "what is this mission, and how can we 
	And, as Akira finished telling his story to the assembled coven of 
vampires, they looked at each other with worried faces.
	Finally, Adrian spoke. "Akira, old son, I'm afraid I've got some 
bad news for you..."
	"Look down there!" Rayne said, as he and Akira perched in the trees 
in Cuddleland forest. Akira saw troops upon troops of Goths and Vikings 
march through a portal towards what Rayne called "The Dark Lands." Some 
were bruised, most were unscarred: all of them looked thoroughly 
disgusted, as if they had been cheated out of a great battle. 
Realization hit Akira like a freight train: this was one of the five 
visions Romana had shown him! But he'd gotten it totally in reverse - it 
wasn't the Goths going through the portal to invade Cuddleland; it was 
the invaders going home in defeat!
	"The invasion was a bust; for every Goth that came through 
spreading darkness and gloom, there were either five cuddlers hugging 
him to death, or he would just pass through the cuddlers, ignored. Some 
were even converted over to the Cuddleland side..."
	"So not only did I not get here in enough time to warn Cuddleland 
of the invasion, but the warning would have been moot anyway?" Akira 
said, head down.
	Rayne smiled a sad smile. "That's about the size of it."
	The pair jumped down to the ground. "I'm going through that gate 
now myself," said Rayne. "Cuddleland is a nice place to visit, but it's 
no place for a Vampire like me to be living in. My suggestion to _you_ 
is that you go back to the place where you ported in. Maybe there's a 
clue you missed there."
	As Rayne stepped into the portal, Akira yelled "Take care, 
bloodsucker!" Rayne shot back, "Live well, puppy!" And then he was 
Arriving at the meadow; Akira ran across the flowered field until his 
instinct told him he had the right spot. He then looked and sniffed 
around - and saw a bronze plaque with an odd crystal set in a white 
marble stone. He padded up to it and read:
 	<"This plaque commemorates the Rescue of Princess KaCee and Heidi the Tower Dweller on this first ResQ Day celebration, Feb. 25th, 1995."
	<FEBRUARY 25TH, 1995??!! That was over two weeks ago!>
	If Akira felt bad before, he really felt bad now. He had failed on 
both his primary and secondary objectives - and moreover, he had no way 
of knowing whether that failure was a function of the gates, his own 
slowness or whether the pack had simply received the note too late! <I 
don't even know _how_ Princess KaCee was rescued -- huh? What's this?>
	Just below the crystal was a note saying "Touch for story." Akira 
put his paw on it and suddenly found his mind bombarded with images. He 
sat and watched as the story of the Rescue unfolded before his eyes. He 
saw the scene presented in Romana's vision, and was thrilled with the 
teamwork exhibited by such a diverse assortment of beings. He saw the 
girl in his other vision hugging gargoyles into so much masonry rubble 
and little golden baby dragons being released (!) and the uncommon 
bravery of Sir Pooky. And at the end, he saw Princess KaCee and Heidi, 
and thought he'd never seen a Human princess more beautiful. Granted, 
she was the first human princess he'd ever seen, but that's beside the 
point. As the story ended (with a flourish of cheers and a "This has 
been a Thumper-CAM Presentation" logo), Akira pulled his paw away from 
the crystal... and sighed.
	He'd been given the responsibility of rescuing Princess KaCee from 
the Tuaturas. Not only had he gotten there too late, but from what he 
just saw, any aid he might have given would have been highly superfluous 
at best. He'd taken on the responsibility of warning Princess KaCee - 
and by extension, the whole of Cuddleland - of the coming invasion. Not 
only had he botched _that_, but from what Rayne had told and shown him, 
Cuddleland didn't *need* defending; at least, not through force of arms. 
And to add insult to injury he'd blown off the hero of Cuddleland who 
only tried to offer succor just because he reminded Akira of a Bear!
	In all his young life, Akira had been trained never to consider 
failure as a possibility; now, not only was he facing it, he was having 
his nose rubbed in it. He felt so low he could crawl under an ice slug 
and still have clearance for a Kodiak to slip by.
	<Well, at least I can still deliver this message to the Princess, 
seeing as she must be all right. I -OH, NO!!!>
	The dream. 
	He had argued with Princess KaCee across the howling winds of the 
gap and lost the pouch for being too slow. And as the pouch fell into 
the gap, the princess turned to stone as a result.
	The vision. 
	He argued with Dorothy the kamikaze Cuddler in front of a human-
shaped multi-colored rock - and the pouch lay between...
	<Princess KaCee's been turned to stone! I just KNOW it!!> Akira 
howled. <And it's all my fault!!>
	"Hey, what's the matter doggie? You lost or something?"
	Akira turned around, and his seeing eye saw a young girl wearing a 
headband with a red circle in the middle and strange yet familiar 
hieroglyphs on either side.
	His mind's eye, however, clouded by dark despair, could only see a 
stone statue standing on the opposite side of Thor's Gap... 



(C) John T. Carr III ( jtc11@columbia.edu).

Please see the copyright notice.

Last modified: November 05, 1998 by Locksley