CuddleLand Map

Did you ever wonder where all the places are located in CuddleLand? Just go ahead and consult the map of CuddleLand, created by Cuddle-Lion.

1.  CASTLE             2.  cuddle-pond     3.  clock tower
4.  tree house         5.  picnic area     6.  Airport
7.  bear dens          8.  cuddlfactory    9.  stage
10. Tiernan's Carousel 11. gazebo          12. main `net'rance
13. guest cottages     !!! main road       14. Rabbit warren
15. mallow marsh       ~~~ stream          \\\ chalk bluffs
16. waterfall          17. ocean           ^^^ cuddle forest
18. Cuddle-Lion den    19. Balloo's        ??? Locksley's phantasmagoria
20. main cottage       21. pavilion tent   22. Squirrel run
23. forest elves       24. log cabin       25. cuddle-elm
26. Sand-Castle        27. Falkor's Lair   28. Panda's Hut
29. C.L.U. - Cuddle-Land University        ||| fast bamboo
30. Cuddl's'n'Hugstore 31. Sir Stu o.t.f.n.'s Elm Tree
32. covered bridge     ::: flame desert    33. outdoor hottub
34. sunning rock       35. Wombat burrow   36. CuddleKidd's hut
37. cuddle-tavern      38. greenhouse      39. hidden glen
40. kitten's baskets   41. Hobbit Hole     42. Ant-hill
43. Dwarf hame         44. K'lani's Lair   pPp Lollipop Orchard
45. Mimmy Bear's       46. Golf Course     ... Secret Tunnels
47. Mermaid's rock     48. Lighthouse      49. Mount Cuddle
50. Garden o Rembrance &&& Jungle Patch    51. Winnie's Ski Lodge
==  Railroad tracks    52. Train Station   53. Grass-hut bar
54. Jelliebun's bakery 55. Owl Tree        56. mousie housie
57. Beehives           58. Sub dock        59. Joysinger's cottage
60. Chapel
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Used with permission of the author, Nathan "Cuddle-Lion" Shores.

Please see the copyright notice.

Last modified: November 05, 1998 by Locksley